2019 Educational Exhibitors
The educational exhibitors will be set up in a large tent adjacent to the headquarters building on Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge. Come in and visit the exhibitors and learn more about Lake Mattamuskeet and related topics.
Main entrance into Mattamuskeet NWR off NC Hwy 94.
Marco Gibbs of Engelhard in Hyde County
Marco Gibbs will be an educational exhibitor at the Swan Days Festival on Dec. 7. Marco earns his living as a commercial crabber. He is also is a trapper. He will display trapping gear and a variety of pelts. He will also display a selection of Native American artifacts he had collected in the county. Marco also had a wealth of knowledge on the history of Hyde County.
Marco Gibbs with Native American artifacts.
Marco Gibbs with trapping gear.
North Carolina Estuarium of Washington, NC
The North Carolina Estuarium will be an educational exhibitor at the 2019 Swan Days Festival on Dec. 7. Their exhibit will on Mattamuskeet NWR in the exhibitors' tent adjacent to the headquarters building. Drop by to visit with them and learn more about the estuaries and wetlands of eastern North Carolina.
North Carolina Estuarium of Washington, NC
North Carolina Marine Fisheries
NC Marine Fisheries will be exhibiting again this year at the Swan Days Festival. Drop by their exhibit adjacent to the headquarters building on Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge.
Recreational crabbing has a great heritage at Lake Mattamuskeet.
Recreational fishing has always been a great sport at Lake Mattamuskeet.
Lt. Mark Cagle of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission will have a reptile and amphibian exhibit in the exhibitors’ tent on Mattamuskeet NWR. He will provide information about REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS found around Lake Mattamuskeet and eastern NC.